




Cooking in Class!

We are nearing the halfway point through November. It has only been a handful of days, but we have covered a lot of information when it comes to the topic. Food and nutrition can be difficult to explain and understand, since it is so complicated. But we definitely have the basics!

After spending a week on the theory, thinking about food groups and digestion, it was time to try something practical this week. It was time to get our hands dirty! (After giving them a good wash, of course 🙏)



“Say Yummy!”

That’s right. The best way to learn about food is by trying it ourselves. Together with the student teachers this week, we had teamed up into groups to make recipes. We chose a food, designed the poster, and did research together on how to make the food.

We added ingredients and directions. By the end, most of our posters instructed us to “say Yummy!”  Definitely an important thing to remember.

Our recipes are on the wall in the classroom so that others can read and get ideas. Maybe it will make us hungry, though… 😝


材料と作り方を追加。最後に、ほとんどの投稿者が「Say Yummy!」と書いてありました。確かに覚えておくべき重要なことです。


Food Faces

Recipes are useful for making food. And so that’s what was next on the menu! The first thing we tried was “Food Faces”.

When we eat food, our brains take in the smell from our noses, the taste from our tongues, and other things too, like how we feel about that food. All that together tells us how it tastes!

Making food look nice or cute is a good way to make eating taste better and be more fun. Not to mention that having many colors of foods in one meal usually means we have lots of different vitamins and nutrients.

レシピは料理を作るのに役立ちます。そして、次のメニューはこれです。最初に試したのは「Food Faces」です。



Big Success!

To make “Food Faces”, we used bread and added various things, like ham, cheese, wieners, and even things like nori, edamame and snacks! We had two goals: to make our food look cute, and to make it tasty. We needed to achieve both!

Surprisingly, the food faces we made tasted really good! Even though it was just basic ingredients, the fact that we made it ourselves and that it looked so nice made it taste even better. This was our first attempt at preparing food, and it was a big success 👍

「フードフェイス」は、パンを使って、ハムやチーズ、ウインナー、海苔や枝豆、スナック菓子など、いろいろなものを入れて作りました。私たちの目標は 2つありました。1つは見た目をかわいくすること、もう 1つは美味しくすることです。両方を達成する必要があったのです。


Our first Dip Dish

That wasn’t the end, though. One of our goals throughout the month is the “Dip Dish” series. Making food can be challenging, messy, and expensive. However, we would try and make foods that we could dip something in! Things like sauces, dressings, condiments, and so on.

Our first dip dish would be… corn soup! Using milk to make it creamy, and some sweet corn from cans, we would make it from scratch.

We discussed the recipe together, comparing it to our own recipes that were already on the wall. We measured the ingredients and added them to a blender. We gave it a bit of salt for taste. Then, we turned on the blender until it was all mixed up!

しかし、これで終わりではありません。今月の目標の1つは「Dip Dish」シリーズです。食べ物を作るのは難しく、面倒で、お金がかかることもあります。でも、何かにつけて食べる料理も作ってみようと思います!ソースやドレッシング、調味料など。



Time to Eat!

The first thing we noticed was the color! We were used to corn soup looking very yellow, but our soup turned out to be mostly white. After blending, it looked a bit like a milkshake! But you could definitely smell the corn.

We didn’t want to wait too long to taste it, as we were getting hungry. We had breadsticks to dip into the soup. Time to eat!



How did it taste?

Was it too much milk, or too much salt? Was it better than the supermarket corn soup?

Yes!! It was great! The amount of each ingredient we added was just perfect. It was tasty, warm, and creamy. It was perfect to dip the bread into. The only problem was… when it was finished, we wanted more 💦

So far, our cooking has been a success. We will continue to try different recipes as the month goes on. The best way to get good nutrition is to try many foods and what we like. Then we can choose healthy options.

Hopefully reading this didn’t make you too hungry 😜

味はどうでしたか? 牛乳が多すぎたのか、それとも塩が多すぎたのか?スーパーのコーンスープより美味しかったですか?

Yes! 最高でした。追加した各成分の量は完璧。温かくてクリーミーで美味しかったです。パンに浸すのにぴったりでした。唯一の問題は…完成した後、もっと欲しくなったことです💦






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