




しかも秋といえば「食欲」。面白い実験とともにクラスの中では、さらに活気が生まれそうな気配。 そういえば、先日みんなで収穫したサツマイモもそろそろ食べごろです😜

Food and Health! You Are What You Eat!

Hello and welcome to November! We had a great time in October together, but now as the weather starts to cool, we are able to take a small break. But when I say take a break, I don’t mean we turn our brains off. From the beginning of the month, we have been learning all about food, and food is a very important thing!

Yes, we all like food. Food can be yummy and give us good feelings when we are able to enjoy it. Food is also very important, though! The food we eat becomes what our body is made of. If you eat healthy food, your body will be full of energy and vitamins. If you eat unhealthy food, your body will be full of things you don’t need, weighing you down!

In November, we will do our best to understand what counts as healthy and what is good for us to eat.

こんにちは、11月へようこそ! 10月は一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしましたが、今は天気が涼しくなり始めているので、少し休憩することができます。しかし、「休憩を取る」と言うとき、私たちは脳の電源をオフにするという意味ではありません。今月の初めから食について勉強してきました。食はとても大切なものです!


11 月は、何が健康であるのか、何を食べるのが良いのかを理解するために最善を尽くします。

You definitely need food

Even something as simple as an apple isn’t easy! It’s a fruit which we know is healthy! It has many vitamins and good things for us! However, it also has a lot of sugar! Hm, what should we do? Can we eat apples whenever we want?

The answer to most of the questions like that is yes, just be careful of what you eat. Most foods are okay to eat in moderation. You need a good balance of all kinds of foods. Some foods, like junk food, you don’t need at all.

But you definitely need food to keep your energy up while you play in the park!

リンゴのような単純なものでも、簡単ではありません。健康に良いことがわかっている果物です。ビタミンも豊富で私たちに良い効果がたくさんあります。ただし糖質もたっぷり! うーん、どうすればいいでしょうか? リンゴはいつでも食べられるのでしょうか?




The first thing we talked about was GO, GROW, and GLOW foods. (This is also a good lesson on how to pronounce L and R! Practice at home!)

  1. GO foods are carbohydrates. They have sugar in them that is packed in a specific way to give us energy (and make us GO!). Foods like bread, rice, and potatoes are in this group.
  2. GROW foods are proteins. They come from animals, and help to build muscle, which we all need (to GROW up big and strong!). Foods like eggs, meat, and fish are in this group.
  3. GLOW foods are fruits and vegetables. They are full of vitamins and other good things that keep us healthy (and make our skin GLOW!) Foods like broccoli, tomatoes, and apples are in this group.

最初に話したのは、GO、GROW、GLOW の食品についてでした。 (これは、LとRの発音の良いレッスンでもあります。家で練習してください!)

  1. GOフードは炭水化物です。それらには、私たちにエネルギーを与える(そして私たちを元気づける)特定の方法で詰め込まれた砂糖が含まれています。パン、米、ジャガイモなどの食品がこのグループに属します。
  2. GROWフードはたんぱく質です。これらは動物由来であり、私たち全員が必要とする筋肉の構築に役立ちます(大きくて強く成長するために!)。卵、肉、魚などの食品がこのグループに属します。
  3. GLOW の食品は果物と野菜です。ビタミンや、私たちの健康を保つ(そして肌を輝かせてくれる)良いものがたくさん含まれています。ブロッコリー、トマト、リンゴなどの食品がこのグループに属します。

Candy vs Acid!

Another topic we discussed was digestion! What happens to the food after it enters our body? We needed to learn, so we could appreciate what a powerful food factory our bodies really are! We tackled this topic using a visual example: candy vs acid!

We knew that in our mouths, we had saliva, and in our stomachs, we had acid. Both of these things help with digestion, or breaking down food. We took the candy and put some in three cups. One with just air, one with water, and one with vinegar (to represent our acid).

We left it inside while we went to the park. We saw something pretty surprising when we came back! Not only had the colors completely come off, but most of the candy was GONE! It dissolved into the water and acid. This is the same as how our body dissolves and digests food.

私たちが議論したもう 1つのトピックは消化です。食べ物が私たちの体内に入った後、その食べ物はどうなるのでしょうか? 体が実際にどれほど強力な食品工場であるかを理解するために、学ぶ必要がありました。キャンディと酸という視覚的な例を使用してこのトピックに取り組みました。

私たちは、口の中に唾液があり、胃の中に酸があることを知っていました。これらはどちらも消化、つまり食物の分解を助けます。私たちはキャンディを取り出し、3つのカップにいくつか入れました。1つは空気だけ、もう1つは水、もう1つは酢 (酸を表すため) を使用します。


After that, it was time to become our very own Dr. Frankensteins and put together our own new person!

We knew about the internal organs in our body, but exactly how they fit together, or where they are in our bodies, was not always clear. We cut out some small parts and tried to find out how to piece them together.

With some teamwork, knowledge, and critical thinking, we put together our people. We had to really squish some organs in. That’s really how your body works: all of your insides are tightly packed and in important places!

That’s all for now. We have more food-related fun coming up next week, so look forward to that!








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