10月もそろそろ月末。「プリ・クラス」のRed FoxとWhite Owlを担当しているMr. Seanは、10月のTopic「Iagination」授業恒例の集大成発表にむけて、日々子どもたちと奮闘中です。
この日はちょっと一息ついて、秋晴れに恵まれたのでクラスから飛び出しCHES Gardenに出て、「プリ・クラス」全員でイモ掘りを楽しむことにしました。
Sweet Potato Digging! 🍠
Today, we had the event we had been waiting for a while. We love going to the CHES garden and acting like farmers! It is a big joy for us to witness how the vegetables and fruit grow day by day. It is even a bigger joy to be able to pick them when they are ready to eat!
今日は待ちに待ったイベントがありました。CHES Gardenに行き、農家のように振る舞うのが大好き。野菜や果物が日々成長していく様子を目の当たりにするのは、私たちにとって大きな喜びです。食べごろになったら収穫できるのは、さらに嬉しいです。
After circle time, we all got ready by putting on our smocks and gloves. We needed to make sure to protect our clothes from getting dirty and our hands from getting itchy. We were successful in terms of protecting our hands, but we made a mess while digging for the potatoes, getting caught up in lots of joy! That is why our clothes got a little bit dirty 😊 Maybe even our hair, but it was worth it! 😂
After getting ready, we took off our shoes and stepped outside to get to work.
Before we started, we discussed the rules. There weren’t many, but we needed to make sure we remembered how to use the scissors safely. We also talked about how to use the shovels to dig the soil. We reminded them that sharing is a good manner since we only had two shovels. After discussing the rules and everything, we were finally ready!
始める前に、ルールについて話し合いました。ルールは多くありませんでしたが、ハサミの安全な使い方をしっかりと覚えておく必要がありました。シャベルを使って土を掘る方法についても話しました。私たちはシャベルを 2 つしか持っていなかったため、共有することが良いマナーであることを再確認。ルールなどを話し合って、ようやく準備が整ったのです。
Everyone worked in harmony, and we cut the leaves first. We worked like busy bees to clean the garden of all the grown leaves. After cleaning it up, we started digging for potatoes.
It was like looking for treasure! We found many sweet potatoes to cook later. We will wait for them to dry first and come up with a delicious idea for how to eat them. You can check out the potatoes that we all found!
Yellow Kangaroo
Today was a good day to visit the park. We went to the small park and we did it great! We went there with our yellow rope because we are Yellow Kangaroos. Good job!
今日は公園を訪れるのに良い日でした。私たちはSmall Parkに行きました、そしてとても楽しかったです!私たちはYellow Kangarooなので、「黄色い」ロープを持ってそこに行きました。みんなよくできました。
The small park is near to us so we can walk fast and we played there properly. We are now learning how to slide independently but as always teacher is there to support us.
Today we also did sweet potato digging. We tried to pull it so hard. We saw a lot. Some of them were small and some were big. We will have a sweet potato eating event next time. Please wait.
Small Parkが近くにあるので歩いてすぐに行けるし、そこでちゃんと遊びました。私たちは今、一人で(滑り台を)滑る方法を学んでいますが、いつものように先生が私たちをサポートします。