



運動会も無事終了し、「プリ・クラス」は、少し腰を落ち着けて10月のTopic「Imagination」に向き合うことができるようになってきました。とはいうものの、月末は Halloween! せっかくの「想像力」が違う方向に向かなければいいのですが…。

Clay + Animation = Claymation!

Are you enjoying the fall weather so far? We are happy to be able to visit the park whenever it’s sunny again.

Since it is the month of imagination, we have been focusing on something else too, though. It might be hard to think of October as anything other than the Halloween month, but we have another project before then!

Our tradition of creating our own story and presenting it in a unique media is still going strong. This time, we wanted to make a video. We thought about what we could do to make it interesting.

秋を満喫していますか? 私たちは、晴れた日にはいつでも公園に行けることを嬉しく思っています。


自分たちで物語を作り、それをユニークなメディアで発表するという(プリ・クラス10月)の慣習はまだ続いているのです。今回はビデオを作りたい! 面白くするためになにができるかを考えました。

Style of Animation

The first thing we did was decide on a style of animation. We liked working with clay, and we wanted to use stop-motion animation. We combined them together!

Have you ever seen Claymation? Some famous cartoons, like Pingu, Shaun the Sheep, Wallace and Gromit, and more, are made using this technique. When you make something with clay, you can move its body into different positions. That gives you more control over what you make, and lets you be creative!


「クレイアニメーション」を見たことがありますか? 「ピングー」、「ひつじのショーン」、「ウォレスとグルミット」などの有名なアニメは、この技法で作られています。粘土で何かを作ると、その体をいろいろな位置に動かすことができます。そのため、作るものをより自由にコントロールでき、クリエイティブになれるのです。

A Lot of Examples

We enjoyed watching a lot of examples of this, and some behind-the-scenes clips that showed us the method. In order to make an effective story though, we need to think about other stories we’ve read.

  1. We thought about the characters.
  2. We thought about the plot.
  3. We thought about exciting things, scary things, funny things, and more.
  4. We thought about morals and lessons that the story might teach us.


  1. 登場人物について考える。
  2. プロットについて考える。
  3. 刺激的なこと、怖いこと、面白いことなどについて考える。
  4. その物語が教えてくれそうな道徳や教訓についても考える。

Trial Product

Over many days, we brainstormed ideas and narrowed them down little by little until we had a list of scenes we were happy with. Soon enough, we will start filming. How exciting! I can’t tell you any details, but I can tell you the tentative title we are going with for now. The story of The Terrible Castle will appear in a few weeks!

Before then though, we had to try out the method of animation ourselves. We sat down and worked with clay, and tried the stop-motion.

We needed to think about things like where the camera is, keeping the character in the same position, and only moving it a little bit. With just a few tests, we were able to learn a lot of animation fundamentals.

数日かけてアイデアをブレインストーミングし、少しずつ絞り込み、満足のいくシーンをリストアップしました。もうすぐ、撮影が始まります。なんとも刺激的です! 詳細についてはお話しできませんが、現時点での仮タイトルについてはお伝えできます。「The Terrible Castle」のストーリーは数週間以内に登場します!






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