CHES Sports Dayは、先週11日に楽しく無事に終了することができました。お忙しいなか多くの保護者の方々にご参加いただき本当にありがとうございました。
🏃♀️We Are Winners!🏆
Blue Bird / Red Fox / White Owl
Thank you to everyone for coming to the event last Friday. As we said before, we greatly enjoyed practicing, and it was even more fun to perform in front of everyone! I hope you enjoyed it as well.
Blue Bird was in a good mood throughout the whole day! They didn’t seem to get nervous, and spoke with big voices and happy smiles. They spent a long time watching Red Fox and White Owl train as well, so they are excited to participate in the same events next year. The relay race is very exciting, and maybe even playing the drums?
Blue Birdは一日中ご機嫌でした。緊張する様子もなく、大きな声と楽しそうな笑顔で話していました。Red FoxとWhite Owlの練習も長い時間見ていたので、来年も同じ種目に参加するのを楽しみにしているようです。リレーも楽しみだし、竹太鼓を叩くのもいいかもですね。
Speaking of the drums, Red Fox was eager to show off what they could do as well. They had plenty of energy and practiced running to and from the line-up position many times. They did a great job!
太鼓といえば、Red Foxもその実力を披露しようとがんばっていました。みんなエネルギーに満ち溢れ、整列のラインへの往復を何度も練習しました。素晴らしい出来でした。
White Owl’s showcase went very well. Everyone needed to work together, especially for the airplane at the end. Altogether, the races, games, and everything else went great. We had fun, we showed off our abilities, and we got to dance and race with our families too. Thanks for joining us for a good time.
White Owlの組体操はとてもうまくいきました。特に最後の飛行機では、全員が協力する必要がありました。リレーも、ゲームも、その他すべてのことがうまくいきました。楽しかったし、自分たちの能力を発揮できたし、家族ともダンスやレースをすることができました。楽しい時間をありがとう。
As I said to the big kids today, this is really the halfway point of the school year. Can you feel the growth of your children? After Sports Day, Blue Bird seems much bigger to me. Red Fox and White Owl too have come a long way since April.
We made a promise to keep growing and learning until the end of the year. From now, let’s continue to do our best every day!
今日、Big Kidsにも言ったのですが、今、学年は本当に中間地点です。子どもたちの成長を感じられるでしょうか。運動会を終えて、Blue Birdはずいぶん大きくなったように思います。Red FoxとWhite Owlも4月から大きく成長しました。
Good job Yellow Kangaroo!
Yellow Kangaroo
It was a good day for our Sports Day. At first, we had our practice and we saw the big gym. The kids were amazed and they were happy to see it. They said ‘We can run a lot here!’
In the previous days also, we had our practice. We gave our best to remember the rules. We did our best to shout ‘Finish!’
And the Sports Day was a success! Congratulations to all of us. We tried our best not to cry the whole day. We showed our smiles and enjoyed the event.
Thank you very much for joining us! We hope that you all like the performances of everyone. We will do more next year so let’s look forward to it!
ありがとうございました! みんなの演技、気に入っていただけたでしょうか? 来年ももっと頑張りますので、楽しみにしていてください!