いよいよSpots Dayの日が迫って来るなか、「プリ・クラス」のみんなの練習もより力がはいってきています。もちろん運動の練習だけではなく、日々の授業も「実りの秋」といったところでしょうか。
でも、思いきり体を動かしながら、実は頭の中は「imagination」で一杯なのかもしれません😝 子どもたちの「想像力」は本当に無限なのかも…。
We studied hard and trained hard this week! We had a lot of fun practicing for Sports Day.
In September, it was intermittent and we explored many different kinds of games. We enjoyed playing with each other, making teams, and had a lot of fun. As we improved, we began running faster and with more intention. We cheered for our team and helped them learn and get better.
Now in October, we can feel Sports Day coming just around the corner. We give our best every day, and can see how much we have improved.
今週も一生懸命勉強して、一生懸命練習しました。Spots Dayに向けてとても楽しく練習することができました。
10月に入り、いよいよSports Dayが近づいてきたことを感じます。みんなが毎日ベストを尽くしており、どれだけ進歩したかがわかります。
Outside of Sports Day
Outside of Sports Day, we are continuing to explore our imaginations.
In our library folders this week is a mini-book we read called “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”. This is one of many fairy tales with a moral. That is, a lesson that we can learn from reading the story.
We quickly understood what the boy did wrong in the story. We could understand why the villagers were angry and why the sheep got eaten. Hopefully, we can learn from it ourselves.
Sports Day以外でも、私たちは想像力の探求を続けています。
今週私たちのLibrary Folderに「The Boy Who Cried Wolf」というMini-Bookが入っています。これは教訓を伴う数多くのおとぎ話の1つです。つまり、物語を読むことから学べる教訓なのです。
Imagination and telling stories can be a wonderful thing. But using things that are not true to trick or tease someone is not a good thing.
We will continue to be creative in the best possible ways! As an example, here is a picture of Red Fox and White Owl’s alien inventions.
これからも最高の形でクリエイティブを続けていきます。例として、ここにRed FoxとWhite Owlの生徒たちがエイリアンを創造した写真を添付しておきます。
In teams, they shared and cut pieces out of a big sheet. Everyone talked to each other and agreed on what pieces they could use. Everyone had their own ideas. Each one could be a character in a story!
When Sports Day is finished, what will come next? You will have to wait and see… When the topic is our imagination, there is no limit! Look forward to it.
Sports Dayが終わったら、次はなにがあるのでしょうか? しばらく様子を見ててください…。Topicが「Imagination」 なので、私たちに限界はありません👍 楽しみにしていてください。