「Imagination」の授業では、毎年毎年子どもたちから、想像以上の面白い発想が飛び出すので、今年はどんな内容の授業になっていくのか、いまから楽しみなのですが、Sports Dayがいよいよ近づいていることもあって、まだみんなは日々の練習にFocusしているようです😄
Snakes in the Park, and Imagination!
October is here! Welcome to the new month. We are enjoying the slightly cooler weather. Finally, we can get outside again regularly. Getting exercise in the park is nice, but the mosquitos are not so nice. As long as we keep moving, we should be okay, right?
When visiting Koketani park, one of our favorite games is Snake Running! With one teacher as the head of the snake, the rest of the kids follow along, no matter where the teacher goes!
Keep up!
10月がやって来ました! 新しい月へようこそ。少し涼しい気候を楽しんでいます。ようやく、また定期的に外に出られるようになりました。公園で運動するのは良いのですが、蚊はあまり良くありません😩 動き続けていれば大丈夫ですよね?
That was just warm up, though. Soon enough, we were practicing our Relay and Penguin race too. Do you know about these races? They are not as simple as just going fast. They require teamwork and practice.
For the relay race, we practice passing the baton. It is tricky, because we need to press it into the other runner’s hand without slowing down. It takes a lot of practice and skill to do it right.
For the penguin race, we need to hold a ball between our legs while we hop. It sounds and looks funny, but it’s quite a challenge! Practicing in the park was good training, as the sand from the park made the ball even more slippery. Time to train harder!
とはいえ、これはただのウォーミング・アップです。すぐにリレーとペンギン・レースの練習も始めました。どのような練習か知っていますか? ただ速く走るだけという単純なものではありません。チームワークと練習が必要です。
The park was only part of our week, though. With our minds on the solar system and space, it was the perfect position to shift into the new topic. Space is sometimes hard to believe. It is so big and so far, away.
In October, we are discussing imagination. We spent time discussing what is real, and what is not. We know that Jupiter is real. But we cannot visit Jupiter. It is too far away.
We know that Earth is the only place in our solar system that has life. Do you think there could be another place, far away, that might have life too? We need to imagine!
私たちは、太陽系の中で生命が存在するのは地球だけであることも知っています。遠く離れた別の場所にも生命が存在する可能性があると思いますか? 想像する必要があります。
We talked about planets and space, but also aliens, vampires, zombies, and dragons. We learned that our brains can be creative, as long as we can understand what is real and what is not. We can use our imagination for so many important things!
More to come as the month continues.
For now, we will focus on practicing for Sports Day, as the day is coming soon.