「プリ・クラス」では、10月開催のCHES Sports Dayにむけての練習を続けながら、引き続き「地球」のTopicが進んでいます。Red FoxとWhite Owlのクラスでは、Blue Birdクラスの「water sycle」とは一味違った角度から、「氷」で様々な「water sycle」の実験をしていました。
The Great Ice-periment!
This week has been all about activity and movement. We have been practicing sports and training together. However, we still find time to do some fun experiments and lessons on the topic of the month.
For example, we learned about the water cycle this week. Learning about a topic isn’t just about learning new words and hearing stories. We need to try hands-on activities to make us understand that we are talking about the real world, not our imagination!
Our experiment materials included water, ice, and a kettle. We also used plastic bowls to hold the water.
The first experiment
What we wanted to discover with our experiment is some examples of the water cycle happening in real life! We knew water could become steam, or water vapor. We could see it happen in the kettle.
We combined our lesson about energy with the kettle, talking about how the power makes the water hot.
We took the ice out of the freezer that we had prepared the day before. First, we felt the ice in our hands. It was very cold; cold enough to try and freeze to our hands! That’s why it felt a little bit sticky. Soon though, our warm bodies heated up the ice enough to make it melt. This was the first example of heat exchange.
Next Experiment
Next, we added ice cubes to three bowls. In one bowl, we put nothing. In the second bowl, we added very hot water. In the third bowl, we added more hot water, but also stirred it with a stick.
We timed it. Of course, we knew which one would melt first. But how much faster would it be?
In just 25 seconds, the ice cubes in the third bowl were completely gone! It took 85 seconds all together to melt the cubes in the second bowl! And the first bowl hardly melted at all!
It was quite a difference. We talked about how temperatures try and match each other when they touch.
次に、3つのボウルに氷を加えました。1つのボウルにはなにも入れません。 2番目のボウルには熱湯を加えました。 3杯目ではさらにお湯を加えて棒でかき混ぜました。
わずか 25 秒で、3 番目のボウルの角氷が完全になくなりました。 2 番目のボウルのキューブを溶かすのに、合計 85 秒かかりました。そして最初のボウルはほとんど溶けませんでした!
Last Experiment
Finally, it was time to make clouds and condensation in our bowls. We filled a fourth bowl with water, added ice, and covered it with another bowl. We left it for about a minute. We made predictions. Could we make rain?
When we lifted it, we were surprised: there were no drips at all! But was it dry? No! When we felt the bowl, there was a layer of water on it. We hadn’t made rain, but we had made clouds! Condensation occurred in just one minute!
The experiment was hopefully memorable and interesting. We knew that hot water would make ice melt, but seeing it in action and comparing it to other examples helped to solidify the idea in our minds.
We knew that ice is water… water is water… and steam is water! But with some exchange of energy, it can take different forms.
水滴はまったくありませんでした。でも乾いている? いいえ乾いてはいません。ボウルを触ってみると、水の層があったのです。雨にはなりませんでしたが、雲はできたのです。たった1分で結露が発生したのです。