「プリ・クラス」のBlue Bird(年少学齢)では、9月のTopic「地球」について、まず「地球って、なに?」という疑問から始まりました。さっそく地球儀をとりだし、みんなで観察。地球の「色」に注目すると、自分たちが感じた「地球」を描き、それから「水」、そして「Water Sycle」へと話題が進んでいきました。
普段はあまり意識していない「Water Sycle」について目を丸くしながら話を聴いている様子は、みんなとてもかわいらしかったです。
“What is Earth?”
September has arrived, and with it, a brand-new topic: “The Earth”! This month, we’re diving into everything about our amazing planet.
We kicked off by asking, “What is Earth?” The Earth is our special home. It’s where we all live together, and it’s not just our home—it’s also home to countless animals, insects, and plants! The Earth is special because it’s the only planet we know of that has everything we need to live: water, air, and land.
9 月になり、トピックが新たに「地球」になりました。今月はこの素晴らしい地球についてすべてを掘り下げていきます。
Our own version of Earth
We got a globe and explored it together to see the Earth’s features up close. The globe shows us how our planet is covered mostly by water, with the land making up just a small part. By looking at it, we can see that the Earth is not flat; it’s shaped like a big ball.
The globe also shows us the different lands and oceans. We also discussed about the colors about the Earth! Blue for the oceans, green for the land, and white for the ice-covered areas. After that, we did a coloring activity to create our own version of Earth.
Later in the week, we began discussing bodies of water. Despite the fact that more than 70% of Earth is covered with water, only a small amount of it is drinkable! We need to be careful of how we use this precious resource and find ways to save it.
We discussed strategies to avoid wasting water, such as turning off the tap while washing our hands and brushing our teeth. Keeping the tap off when it’s not in use is a simple yet effective way to save water.
The water cycle
Next, we began learning about the water cycle! But first, we needed to understand what the water cycle is. We asked, “Where does water come from?” We knew rain gives us water, but we didn’t understand how it happens.
So, we started talking about the sun. The sun is very important because it helps move water around. Here’s how it works:
- Sunshine: When the sun shines, it warms up lakes, rivers, and oceans. This heat makes the water turn into tiny, invisible water droplets. It’s like when a puddle disappears on a sunny day – the water goes up into the sky.
- Cloud Formation: As the water goes higher into the sky, it starts to form clouds. Clouds are like big fluffy blankets.
- Rainfall: When the clouds get heavy and full of water, they can’t hold any more. So, the water falls back down to the ground as rain.
- Water Collection: The rainwater then flows into rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some of it soaks into the ground.
- Starting Again: The water in rivers, lakes, and oceans gets warmed by the sun, and the cycle starts all over again!
So, the water cycle is like a big circle that keeps water moving around our planet. It’s very important because it helps give us the water we need to drink, play, and keep everything healthy.
次に、水の循環について学び始めました。その前に、水の循環とは何かを理解する必要があったのです。水はどこから来るのでしょうか? 雨が水を与えてくれることは知っていましたが、それがどのようにして起こるのかは理解していませんでした。
- 太陽の光: 太陽が照ると、湖や川、海が温まる。この熱は、水を目に見えない小さな水滴に変える。晴れた日に水たまりが消えるのと同じで、水は空へと昇っていく。
- 雲の形成: 水が空に向かって高くなるにつれて、雲が形成され始める。雲は大きなふわふわした毛布のようなものだ。
- 雨が降る: 雲が重くなり、水をいっぱいに含むと、それ以上保持できなくなる。そのため、水は雨となって地面に落ちる。
- 集水: 雨水は川や湖、海に流れ込む。一部は地面に染み込む。
- 再出発: 川や湖、海の水は太陽によって温められ、また同じサイクルが始まる!