

ホットドツク パーティ!


この日は、4月に「プリ・クラス」最初の授業が始まって以来、ちょうど100日目。楽しくみんなで学んできたことを思い出しながら、1からカウントを開始。100日目であること確認したあと、ホットドツク をみんなで作って、「100 Days Celebration」を盛大にお祝いしました。


100 Days Celebration

With August coming to an end, it was time to finally celebrate 100 days into the school year. We have come a long way since April. Can you feel it?


In April, White Owl first met up with Red Fox, combining the classes and making new friends. Blue Bird met their new teacher, and started on a journey that would lead them towards being a big kid. We learned about how to act in the school, how to be kind, how to be neat, and more.

4月、White OwlはRed Foxと顔を合わせ、一緒のクラスで新しくお友だちになりました。Blue Birdは新しい先生と出会い、年少学齢になるための旅に。学校での振る舞い方、優しさ、きちんとしていることなどについて学びました。

In May, we talked about our senses and our feelings. In June, we talked about the world around us. July and August were full of learning about external subjects: insects and animals. And that’s where we are now. We have grown in all sorts of ways: our bodies, our brains, and our hearts. And we have much more to go!


Cooking 100 Special Hotdogs!

Today, we started the celebration by going through our old calendars together and counting each month’s days, making sure it really was 100 days. It was a good review of everything we’ve done so far!

After that though, everyone was impatient to get started on the activity of the day: cooking 100 special hotdogs!

Since it was a 100 days celebration, we decided to make 100 of something, and this time, it was hotdogs. The process was not too hard, but not easy either. We put on our smocks, and prepared to do some cooking!




We began with balls of dough specially prepared by Ms. Masami. We first needed to roll the dough into straight lines, which we referred to as “snakes”. We needed to make our snakes long enough that we could wrap them around the sausages, to make the perfect hotdog!

Ms. Masamiが特別に用意してくれたボール状の生地から始めることに。まず、生地を「ヘビ」のような直線状に丸める必要があります。この「ヘビ」をソーセージに巻きつけられる長さにし、完璧なホットドッグに仕上げるのです。

We focused on our work, making the dough long before stretching it around the sausage. We needed to wrap it evenly, and to make sure that the ends were tucked under the hotdog so it wouldn’t unfold. It took a bit of practice, but it was easy to retry if we didn’t get it right.


Before long, we had a big collection of hotdogs that were ready to go in the oven!


Group Effort

It was a group effort between the teachers, the big kids, and Yellow Kangaroo. With all our hands working, we managed to make one hundred! It was a good thing too, because by this time, we were hungry.

The recipe got thumbs up from the consumers! Most could eat at least two. They were tasty and filling.

The recipe is not complicated, so if you want to give them another try, you can do it at home! All you need is dough and sausages, and you can make any shape you like.

Congratulations for making it through 100 days, smarter and kinder! That’s all to report for the 100 days celebration.

先生、年少・年中・年長学齢の子ども、そして年少以下のYellow Kangarooのグループワークでの効果です。みんなで力を合わせて、なんとか100個作ることができました。お腹が空いていたので、いいタイミングでした。



みんな、より賢く、より優しく、100日間を乗り切りました。おめでとうございます!「100 days celebration」の報告は以上です。

Animal Review Quiz

Regarding Red Fox and White Owl’s class, we have been finishing up our animal lessons. In fact, today was our big animal review quiz as well. It was a quiz full of animals we learned about, watched videos about, and terms too, like animal diets (herbivore, etc.), animal families (mammal, etc.), and more.

Red FoxとWhite Owlのクラスでは、「動物」の授業の仕上げを行っています。実は今日、動物の復習クイズをしました。動物の食事(草食動物など)や動物の分類(哺乳類など)など、動物について学び、ビデオを見て、用語も満載のクイズでした。

It was a fun challenge. If you want to try it yourself, it’s here: CHES The Animal Quiz Just make sure you “Start Slideshow” before trying it, or the answers will be on screen already!

楽しいチャレンジでした。もしも自分でもやってみたいと思ったら、CHES The Animal Quizからできます。「スライドショーを開始」してから挑戦してみてください。

Blue Bird has been working hard, learning about ocean animals, pets, and animal homes. I heard that there were some sharks lurking around in that class, too…

Blue Birdのクラスは、海の動物、ペット、動物の家について一生懸命学んでいます。噂によると、クラスにはサメも潜んでいたらしいです…。

Thank you for supporting!

Thank you for supporting your child until this point. We have a lot planned for the rest of the school year. It’s just getting started!

From here on out, we will be focusing on big events, like Sports Day, Winter Assembly, and of course, Graduation. Let’s do our best all the way to the end!






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