2024年CHES夏休みホリデー・クラスは無事に楽しく終了できました。4日間という限られた日程だったのですが、Topic「Rainbow Fish」の物語から海→生き物→深海と、クラスで学ぶ内容はどんどん広く深く、そして濃くなっていくなか、みんなで楽しむことができました。
今回のホリデー・クラスの内容のすべてをお知らせできればよかったのですが…、残念ながらあまりにも内容が広かったので、ここでは最終日のBig Kidsクラスの内容(みんなでロール・アイスクリームを楽しんだことも😝)をお知らせします。
The last day of our summer holiday class
Today was the last day of our summer holiday class, and we made it to the end happily, having fun together with our friends and teachers! After we sang our usual good morning song and played some games, we learned about the deep, dark ocean zone called the Midnight Zone.
This zone is very far below the ocean’s surface, where no sunlight can reach, making it completely dark. The water pressure is extremely high, and the temperature is so cold. Only a few special creatures can survive in this harsh environment, like anglerfish, giant squids, and some special jellyfish, which produce their own light to see and attract other animals.
Learning about the Midnight Zone was fascinating and made us appreciate how diverse and mysterious our oceans are!
今日は夏休み授業最終日でしたが、友達や先生たちと楽しく過ごしながら楽しく最後まで終えることができました! いつものGood Morning Songを歌ったり、ゲームをしたりした後、ミッドナイト・ゾーンと呼ばれる深くて暗い海のゾーンについて学びました。
ミッドナイト ゾーンについて学ぶのはとても興味深く、私たちの海がどれほど多様で神秘的であるかを理解することができました。
The Midnight Zone
After discussing the Midnight Zone, we wanted to see the beautiful creatures we had talked about. So, we used the projector and the laptop to watch a video of the animals living in the Midnight Zone. It was just like being in a cinema! We were all fascinated by how amazing and different those animals looked compared to what we expected.
The video showed creatures like glowing jellyfish, strange looking fish with big teeth, and even some animals we had never seen before.
ミッドナイト・ゾーンについて話し合った後、私たちは話していた美しい生き物を見たいと思いました。そこで、プロジェクターとラップトップを使用して、ミッドナイト ゾーンに住む動物のビデオを見ました。まるで映画館にいるようでした!私たちは皆、それらの動物は私たちが予想していたものと比べてどれほど素晴らしく、異なっているかに魅了されました。
The size of a whale
After watching the video, we decided to go outside and check one more thing before heading upstairs. Yesterday, we measured the size of a whale using a string, but because the whale was so big, we couldn’t fit it in the CHES park.
That’s why we wanted to go outside together and hold the string straight to see the actual size of a whale. It was even bigger than we expected, even though we had seen it curved yesterday.
Our research
Then, it was time to continue our research! We had already worked hard yesterday finding interesting facts about the animal we needed to research. Today, our task was to put everything together to create a research essay and present it in the classroom.
We reviewed the questions and answers we had found at home and combined them into a paragraph in class. While doing this, we were careful about grammar and other details to make it look like a really nice research essay.
Finally, we drew a picture of our animal to make our work more interesting. When we finished writing, it was time to proudly present our essays in the classroom. Everyone did such a great job!
Our storybooks
After lunch, we decided to finish our storybooks that we had started preparing yesterday. Although we had completed all the writing, we were missing one of the most important parts of a book: the illustrations. Illustrations make a story more interesting and fun!
We wrote the titles of our books in a fancy way and drew some characters to bring our stories to life. When we were finished, our books looked even cuter than we imagined!
Our last activity
Our last activity of the day was all about becoming artists! We separated into three teams to create a mural of the three ocean zones. Each team focused on drawing animals that belong to a specific zone. After we finished our drawings, we put all the pictures together to complete the mural.
We hung it on the wall in the CHES park, and it looked amazing! It felt like we were bringing together everything we had learned so far.
The ice cream party
Finally, it was time for the ice cream party! We had been looking forward to this ever since the holiday class started. We made some rolled ice cream, and even though it was harder than it looked, it was so delicious that all the effort was worth it!
This was everything from our holiday class. We hope that everyone enjoyed a lot! We are hoping to see you again. Take care!
Mr. Sean and Ms. Dilara
これがホリデー・クラスのすべてです。みんな楽しんでくれたでしょうか? またお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。お元気で!