CHESプリ・クラスSwimming Lesson
先週の金曜日、Blue BirdからWhite Owlの園児たちでスイミング・スクールにお邪魔させていただくことができました。水にまだ慣れていない子どもたちから、すでに全然大丈夫というお友だちまで全員が楽しくプールで遊ぶことができました!
CHES Friends at the Pool
Last Friday, we had a blast going to the swimming pool in Itayado! We were excited for this trip for a long time and it turned out to be even more fun than we expected.
First, we started with talking about the rules to follow before the trip day on Thursday. Red Fox and White Owl have already some experiences going out and riding the train. However, it was the first time for Blue Bird to go on a field trip! We wanted to make sure that everyone knows the rules to follow when we are outside to avoid any accidents.
まずは木曜日に遠足当日に守るべきルールについて話し合うことから始まりました。Red FoxとWhite Owlは、すでに外出したり電車に乗ったりした経験があります。しかし、Blue Birdは初めての遠足でした。事故を避けるために、外出時に従うべきルールを全員に知ってもらいたいと考えたのです。
About the rules to follow
We began with finding a partner for everyone to hold hands with. After that, we started talking about the most important part which is riding the train. We discussed how we should get on and get off. Because the train stops only for a short time, we need to be quick but also cautious at the same time to not have trouble while getting on and off the train.
We also mentioned the gap between the platform and the train and reminded each other to take a big step for each time. After getting on the train, we already knew that our first job to do is find a seat to sit or hold onto something if there are no seats available.
After discussing these parts, we also talked about the manners to follow on the train. Because it is a public transportation, everyone has the right to use it! That means, we need to be careful about the way we act to not disturb other people on the train. We did a quick brainstorm and came up with the correct answers quickly. We should be quiet on the train and sit nicely.
On Friday, we followed each rule perfectly and took care of our partners. Well done everyone!
金曜日、私たちはそれぞれのルールを完璧に守り、パートナーの世話をしました。みんな、Good Job!
At the pool
After getting off the train, we headed to the swimming pool without losing any time! We were welcomed warmly by the swimming instructions with a big smile on their faces.
After arriving at the pool, we headed to the changing rooms to get ready to get in the water. Our excitement grew bigger as we kept getting ready! We got changed quickly by putting on our swimming suits, swimming caps and googles. We got our towels with us and we were ready to start.
Before we got in the water, we took a fast 3 seconds pre-swim shower to remove sweat and keep the pool water cleaner. After that, we were given a pair of swim armbands by the swimming instructors to secure safety of ours.
水に入る前に、泳ぐ前に 3 秒間シャワーを浴びて汗を取り除き、プールの水をきれいに保ちます。その後、インストラクターの先生から安全を確保するためにアーム・リング(腕につける浮き輪)をつけてもらいました。
We did some activities
We sat on the edge of the water first and started warming up our bodies by moving our legs in the water for a while. We tried to make big waves using our legs. Later, we got in the water and started walking on the platforms that were placed in the water for us to walk without having any troubles. These were our warming up and getting familiar with the water activities. The fun part began after these!
We did some activities such as jumping into the water, sliding, and swimming to the edge of the pool after we did our jumping and sliding!
The swimming instructors prepared two different options for each activity for us to choose. One on the options were on the calmer side and the other one was for the ones who felt brave that day!
Everything went perfectly in the water. We kept laughing and enjoying our time together with our teachers and friends.
When the time that we had finished, we thanked to everyone who let us have this memorable and enjoyable moments. We headed to the changing rooms and got changed quickly.
インストラクターの先生は、アクティビティごとに 2 つの異なるオプションを用意、私たちが選択できるようにしてくれました。選択肢の 1 つは穏やかなもので、もう 1 つはその日、勇気をもってチャレンジするためのものでした。
Swimming Lessonが終わったあと、この思い出に残る楽しい瞬間を過ごさせてくれた皆さんにみんなでお礼を言いました。私たちは更衣室に向かい、すぐに着替えました。
Picnic Lunch
Because we moved and worked so hard in the water, we were so hungry afterwards! Our new mission after this was to head to the park that is near the Maiko station to have some picnic lunch before we end our day. We hopped on the train again following the rules and got off at the Maiko station. We kept holding hands until we arrive at the park and then found some shade to start eating.
It was a hot day and our journey was not so easy but we made it all together taking care of each other! After we found our spots in the shade, we opened our lunch and started eating our lunch. We were quick to finish our lunch since we really spent so much energy.
We felt energetic again after eating our lunch and we played for a while at the park before the goodbye time. 😊
CHESでは、「Play, Learn, Grow Together!」という言葉をとても大切にしています。体が動くと心が動き、心が動くと頭が動きます。子どもたちの瞳がキラキラ光る、そんな瞬間に子どもたちは学び、成長するからです。