Aquatic Bugs
The weather is VERY hot right now. Are you staying cool? One of the best ways to take care in the heat is to stay hydrated. Our bodies are made up of a lot of water, and we need to replenish it.
Speaking of water, did you know that some insects live, grow, and hunt under the water? This week, our focus was on these bugs, and how they have very interesting adaptations.
無茶苦茶暑いですね。みなさんは涼しく過ごしていらっしゃるでしょうか? 暑さ対策の最善の方法の1つは、水分補給を続けることです。私たちの体はたくさんの水分で構成されており、水分を補給する必要があります。
水といえば、いくつかの昆虫が水の中で生活し、成長し、狩りをしていることをご存知ですか? 今週は、これらの昆虫と、それらがどのように非常に興味深く適応をしているのかに焦点を当てました。
Our Prey!
Some bugs use bubbles to breathe air or to help them swim. Others simply hold their breath for a long time, and catch other bugs under the water to eat. We saw how dragonflies molt like cicadas, and how mosquitoes have pupa like butterflies, but under the water!
We might not be aquatic, but we like the water too. Today, it was our turn to get wet! That’s right, it’s waterplay day! We brought our change of clothes and plenty of energy. If we wanted to catch the floating yo-yos with the hooks, we would need to move fast like a dragonfly! If we wanted to avoid getting wet, we needed to be agile like a water strider!
私たちは水生生物ではないかもしれませんが、水も大好きです。今日は私たちが濡れる番です! そう、水遊びの日です! 私たちは着替えとたくさんのエネルギーを持ってきました。浮いているヨーヨーをフックでキャッチするには、トンボのように速く移動する必要があります。濡れないようにするには、アメンボのように機敏に動く必要があります。
Look out!
Oops! Well, we caught our prey, but we sure got wet! Good thing we had a change of clothes! Using both the hook with a strip of paper like a rod, and the nets as backup, we were able to go fishing and scooping! It was fun and we got a lot of chances to try. Sometimes though, there was a splash of water from somewhere. Look out!
おっとっと! さて、獲物は捕まえましたが、確かに濡れてしまいました!着替えがあってよかった! 紙を棒のように付けた釣り針と、予備の網を使って、釣りとすくうことができました! 楽しかったし、試すチャンスもたくさんありました。しかし、時々どこからか水しぶきが聞こえてきました。注意しなくちゃね!
Everyone did a good job following the rules and we all had a good time. Maybe next time, we can have another day like this. It was nice and refreshing!
It was also good practice for our pool visit next week. We dried off and changed clothes, and thought about how we could do it without dawdling or what we could do on our own. We also considered safety rules, like walking carefully when the ground is wet.
Now we’re definitely ready to go!
Other things we did this week so far include:
- – welcoming the elementary school students to our class
- – reading and writing practice
- – watching videos about insects and discussing them
- – playing classroom games together
- – doing worksheets and activities
Even though we can’t go to the park while the temperature is so high, we have lots to do in our class. We are enjoying every day and having fun. We are learning lots of new things too.
Make sure to take a break when you get home today, because we used a lot of energy.
- – 卒園生の小学生たちを私たちのクラスに歓迎しましました。
- – 読み書きの練習
- – 昆虫に関するビデオを見て、それについて話し合いました。
- – 教室で一緒にゲームをしました。
- – ワークシートやアクティビティを行いました。
CHESでは、「Play, Learn, Grow Together!」という言葉をとても大切にしています。体が動くと心が動き、心が動くと頭が動きます。子どもたちの瞳がキラキラ光る、そんな瞬間に子どもたちは学び、成長するからです。