オレンジ、ぶどう、そしてレモネード、それぞれの味を取り合うこともなく、みんなで仲良くわけて楽しんでいましたよ。Now that’s teamwork in CHES!
The Popsicle Picnic
At long last, we were able to get to the park this week on a nice and hot day to enjoy our popsicles! We had prepared them already on Tuesday, so they were cold, frozen, and ready to go. The day was hot, so it would be a perfect treat in the park!
We started the day by talking about things we would need to remember and be careful about at the park. Eating popsicles is fun, but it makes a biiiig mess! We would do our best to stay clean and keep the park neat.
We were heading on our way!
Before long though, we were heading on our way! We went to the park before lunch to make sure that it wouldn’t be too hot. Even so, it was very warm, and too hot to wear our smocks while walking. We brought them in a big bag, and changed at the park.
We found a good spot in the shade to set up. White Owl was a great help, putting on their smocks by themselves and helping to set up the blue sheet so that others could sit. We needed to find stones to hold it down, as the weather was a bit windy.
日陰でピクニックに適した場所を見つけました。White Owlは、自分でスモックを着たり、他の人が座れるようにブルーシートを設置したりして、とても助かりました。少し風が強かったので、それを抑えるための石を見つける必要がありました。
We love popsicles!
We didn’t waste any time though, because we knew that our popsicles would be starting to melt! We threw on our smocks, found a good place to sit, and it was popsicle time!
As you might remember from the previous post, we had chosen three flavors for our popsicles: orange, grape, and lemonade. Because everyone in our class is reasonable and kind, we got to choose which one we liked. If we ran out of a flavor, we could choose our number 2 favorite. Now that’s teamwork!
The popsicles were sweet and cold. The lemonade popsicles were sour, too. They were a perfect treat for a summer day!
前回の投稿を覚えているかもしれませんが、アイスキャンディーにはオレンジ、グレープ、レモネードの3つのフレーバーを選択しました。私たちのクラスのみんなは合理的で親切なので、好きな味を選ぶことができます。フレーバーがなくなった場合は、2 番目のお気に入りを選択できます。まさにそれがチームワーク!
The rest of the park visit was a fun play time. We made sure to drink a lot, even after eating popsicles. Juice doesn’t quench thirst the same way water (or tea) does!
Back at CHES
Back at CHES, we enjoyed the cool air of the air-conditioned rooms and took a rest before eating lunch.
Halfway through July now, we are continuing our bug lessons and projects. Red Fox and White Owl started separate mini-books this week, all about caterpillars and butterflies. We read a book called “Bugs For Lunch” that talks about animals that eat bugs.
We also played a bug version of the game “Fruit Basket”. It was a lot of fun!
7 月も半ばが過ぎ、私たちは「虫」のレッスンとプロジェクトを続けています。Red FoxとWhite Owlは今週、毛虫と蝶についての別々のミニブックを開始しました。私たちは虫を食べる動物について書かれた「Bugs For Lunch」という本を読みました。
We had plenty of exercise today. Do you think your kids will be tired out? Maybe, but maybe not…
The picnic today was simple, but enjoyable for everyone. We will continue to enjoy the season at CHES!
CHESでは、「Play, Learn, Grow Together!」という言葉をとても大切にしています。体が動くと心が動き、心が動くと頭が動きます。子どもたちの瞳がキラキラ光る、そんな瞬間に子どもたちは学び、成長するからです。