Dribble! Pass! Shoot! Portball!
Red Fox / White Owl
It was a very hot day today. Hopefully you were able to find a cool place to work or rest. For us, we had Koketani gym! Lucky for us, we had a nice, cool room to rest in if we needed, and plenty of water or tea to drink. We were sheltered from the sun and were able to enjoy a fun day of sports without overheating.
The day started with getting out into the gymnasium and warming up! We stretched and got our energy up so we would be able to keep going for the whole day. We charged up like a battery, and gave our all!
The fun started right away. We had many different activities with the indoor balls. We practiced dribbling and bouncing the ball with two hands. We even learned some new practice techniques, such as bouncing the ball up, clapping, and then catching the ball again. This is something you could try at home too!
We also practiced things like dribbling while running, passing the ball to each other, and shooting. Passing and shooting is different because we need to think about how the game plays. We need to bounce the ball to our friends so we don’t hurt them, but we need to shoot the ball directly to the keeper. There is a lot to think about while the game is on, so practicing is important!
After that, it was GAME ON!
We separated into teams, picked a keeper for each side, and discussed the rules. One of our main goals this day was to practice cheering loudly, and we did a great job during the practice. Now, we had Yellow Kangaroo and Blue Bird cheering for us!
チームに分かれ、それぞれのキーパーを決めてルールを話し合いました。この日は大きな声で応援する練習をするのが大きな目標でしたが、練習ではよく頑張りました。Yellow KangarooもBlue Birdのみんなんも応援してくれました!
Another of our goals was to listen to Ms. Yuki’s whistle. If she stopped the play, we needed to follow her orders. Playing the game by the rules was important. We ran, passed, shouted to our friends, and scored points!
Everyone did a great job of hustling, getting to the ball, thinking about their team, and more. Next time will be at Sports Day!
Ms. Yukiの笛に従うのも目的の一つでした。彼女がゲームを止めたら、私たちは彼女の指示に従う必要がありました。ルールに従ってゲームをプレイすることが重要でした。走って、パスして、友達に声をかけて、得点を決めました!
Yellow Kangaroo / Blue Bird
It was so hot outside but luckily the gym was not so hot because of the good air ventilation. The kids were fine and we tried our best to drink to avoid any heat stroke. Good job kids, we did it well! We played a variety of activities and we had fun so much!
Here are the goals and benefits of playing balls for kids:
- We can learn the magic word ‘sharing’ or taking turns.
- Kids can try to be patient for their turn. They need to wait for others to finish doing the task.
- We can gain more friends and we can talk more.
- Kids can say these words ‘pass please,’ ‘there you go,’ ‘get it please,’ and more. Kids can have more fun together!
- We can run a lot!
- Kids love to move so while playing balls, they can run anywhere and everywhere. It is really a tiring activity.
- We can be sports! We can learn how to accept winning and losing. In the future, we will have the real games so let’s be ready and prepare for the result or outcome. Just have fun!
- 私たちは「分かち合う」という魔法の言葉を学ぶことができます。
- 子どもたちは自分の順番が来るまで辛抱強く努力することができます。他のお友だちの順番が終わるまで待つ必要があります。
- お友だちも増えて、もっと話せるようになります。
- 子どもたちは、「パスしてください」、「どうぞ」、「取ってください」などの言葉を言うことができます。子どもたちは一緒にもっと楽しく遊べます!
- たくさん走れますよ!
- 子どもたちは体を動かすことが大好きなので、ボール遊びをしながら、どこでも走り回ることができます。それは本当に疲れる活動です💦
- 私たちもスポーツになれます。私たちは勝ち負けを受け入れる方法を学ぶことができます。これからは本当の試合があるので、結果や成果に備えて準備をしていきましょう。あとはとにかく楽しみましょう!