


「プリ・クラス」の5月も、Topicを楽しんでいると、あっという間に終わってしまいました。年中・年長学齢のRed FoxとWhite Owlクラスでは「5感」を学ぶ最後の体験を「味覚」の実験で締めくくりました。勇気をもって「レモン」にチャレンジしたみんなの表情が😝、とても豊かで印象的でしたよ。

We taste with our tongue!

May is coming to a close. We are starting to review everything we learned. It was a fun month full of actions, body parts, movement, and more. But we couldn’t end the month without talking about the most fun of the five senses!

That’s right – it’s finally time to talk about taste! Our tongues are interesting things. We can use our mouths to breathe, talk, and eat and drink. Our tongue helps with all of those. But a very interesting sense is the ability to taste.



Tasting food tells us what might be good to eat, or what might be rotten or old. Our tongues can inform us what we are putting into our bodies. Salty food means we are eating a lot of salt. Sweet food means a lot of sugar. Sour food means a lot of acid.

At CHES, we decided to have our own taste test! We assembled some different foods to try and see which ones were stronger or tastier to us. Sweet candy, salty crackers, and… sour lemon!




Lots of kids expected to enjoy the sweet foods, and rice crackers too. But the sour lemon? We weren’t sure about that! But that’s why we do experiments. To find something new!

Because it was an experiment, we were allowed to try just a little bit, or put it on our tongue first to see how strong the taste was. Like we expected, the sweet candy was yummy. We tried different colors, and some people said they tasted the same, and others said they were different.

The rice crackers had salt covering them, and the taste was strong on the tip of our tongues. And the real experiment: a sour lemon! We sliced it up and tried it before lunch. How did it taste, do you think?

It was SOOUURRR!!!

多くのお友だちは、甘いものやおせんべいを楽しみにしていました。でも、酸っぱいレモンは? どうかなぁと思いましたが、だから実験をするのです。なにか新しいものを見つけるために!


おせんべいには塩がまぶしてあり、その味は舌先に強く感じられた。そして本当の実験:酸っぱいレモン!昼食前にスライスして食べてみました。どんな味? 「SOOURRRR!」。

This is me!

It was so sour! But… after the sour taste, it was also a bit sweet and very yummy! Lots of friends who said they didn’t like lemon soon changed their opinion. It was actually pretty nice!

The strong sour taste is surprising, because lemons smell so nice. Some foods smell stronger than they taste, or taste stronger than they smell. In the end, the lemon was definitely the most memorable taste.

We tested our senses throughout May, and we found out that we could do many things with them.

This is me!



私たちは 5 月を通して自分たちの感覚をテストし、感覚を使えばさまざまなことができることがわかりました。





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