


5月になり「プリ・クラス」のTopicが「five senses」にかわると、子どもたちは五月晴れのなか、さっそく自分たちの「senses」を楽しみながら体験していました。

Our sight

Today, we took advantage of the sun and made our way to Koketani park for lots of time for fun.

We started the day by reminding us of the rules when playing in the sun. Wear your hats, take breaks in the shade, drink lots of water, and tell the teacher if you feel sick. After that, we did some running together, and had some free play time.


Game of Marco Polo!

Then, we played a game of Marco Polo! Do you know that game? The blindfolded person needs to call out “Marco”, and the ones running away must reply with “Polo!” The blindfolded person must use their ears to try and catch the others.

It was fun, and it also let us appreciate how much easier it is to get around using our eyes. Although some people were great even when blindfolded…

そして「マルコ・ポーロ」のゲームをしました。このゲームを知っていますか? 目隠しをしているひとは「マルコ」と呼びかけ、逃げる人は「ポーロ!」と返事します。目隠しをしているひとは耳を使って他のひとを捕まえようとしなければならないのです。


Our eyes are so important!

It’s a good example of why our eyes are so important!

Yes, that’s right! We are beginning to talk now about the five senses, the first of which being our sight. It is one of the most important senses, something we use with everything we do. We talked briefly about how our eyes work, why and how we use them, and some other things that we might know about that work similarly.


そうなのです。私たちはいま、五感について話し始めていますが、その最初の感覚は視覚です。それは最も重要な感覚の 1 つであり、私たちが行うすべてのことにおいて使用します。目がどのように機能するのか、なぜ、どのように目を使うのか、そして同様の働きについて私たちが知っているかもしれない他のいくつかのことについて簡単に話し合いました。

For example, spoons!

Have you ever noticed that your reflection is upside down in the bowl part of a spoon, but the right side up on the back? The image you see also gets flipped in your eyes, and your brain fixes it for you. Thanks, brain!

We use our eyes to read, draw, write, move, communicate, experience things, and many more things.

Make sure you take care of them! Protect your face, don’t read or look at screens in the dark, and give them a rest from time to time.

スプーンのボウル部分では自分の姿が逆さまになっているのに、裏側では右側が上になっていることに気づいたことはありますか? あなたが見ている画像もあなたの目の中で反転され、あなたの脳がそれを修正します。ありがとう、脳!



About the five senses

We will continue to talk about the senses for the rest of the month, and connect them all back to the boss of the body: the brain. Let’s continue to learn and experience things using the abilities that we have.





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