

Refreshing sunny day in May is called Satsuki-bare

White Owl/Red Fox

Did you have a good Golden Week?
We heard lots of stories about what friends did over the last week. It was nice to talk about what we did, and why it was interesting. Like a mini show and tell!

One of the things we did when coming back is officially begin our Flower Duty for our plants. Over the holiday, they had begun to sprout! We were happy to see that all of them grew. Good job, planters!

We need to make sure to take care of them. That doesn’t mean only watering, but also checking and making sure that they need water. Both too much or too little is not good!

We also officially began the new topic of May, all about you!
We talked about body parts, feelings, and where people come from. As the month goes on, we will discover more and more about us.

皆さんは、楽しいゴールデンウィークを過ごされましたか? 先週1週間、友だちがどんなことをしたのか、たくさん話を聞きました。自分たちが何をしたのか、なぜそれが面白かったのかを話すのはいいことです。ミニ・ショー&テルのようなものです!

帰ってきてからやったことのひとつに、植物の花当番が正式に始まりました。休日の間に、植物たちは芽を出し始めていました!すべての植物が成長したのを確認できて、私たちも嬉しかったです。種を植えたみんな、Good Job!

We also started learning new dances, new words, and more.

Due to the nice weather, we visited Koketani park today. It was a bit further of a walk than we were used to, but we were greeted by a giant park all to ourselves! We just had to share it with the bees…

We stretched, played games, ran around, and enjoyed ourselves! It was fun to really use our bodies like this.

We will continue to do exciting things as the month goes on.
Hopefully we can make the most of the nice weather.

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Berridge Sean


天気が良かったので、今日は苔谷公園を訪れました。いつもより少し距離がありましたが、広い公園を独り占めすることができました! ミツバチと公園をシェアすることになったのですが…。ストレッチをしたり、ゲームをしたり、走り回ったりして、楽しみました!こんな風に体を使うのは楽しいですね。月が変わっても、私たちはエキサイティングなことを続けていくつもりです。いい天気が続くといいですね。

Blue Bird

Hello! The kids were so happy to play at the big park today. We went to Koketani Park. We went there safely and properly. We listened to the teachers and friends.

For this week, our topic is still body parts but we have a special topic about mothers. We are now preparing for Mother’s Day this coming Sunday May 14, 2023. We have a special present for our moms. We hope that moms will like it. We are doing with love and care. Our way of saying ‘thank you’ is through this present. Let’s look forward to it!

These are some pictures behind the craft time. We will have more this week.

International Preschool CHES
English Teacher Maris




Yellow Kangaroo

Our new topic of May is all about me! We talked about body parts and family. We love Mom and Dad! We will learn more about us.

Today is very nice weather, we visited Koketani park together with big kids. We had to walk by ourselves, we can do it! After park time we had yummy lunch that Mom made for us!

Everyone’s energy is overflowing in the room! It is the same as plants sprouting! The sunflower seeds we planted the other day have all germinated at once!

We can find strawberries and onions in the CHES Garden ♡

5月の新しいトピックは、all about meです! 体の部位や家族について話しました。私たちはママとパパが大好きです! 私たちについてももっと学びましょうね。

今日はとても良いお天気で、大きな子供たちと一緒に苔谷公園に行きました。自分たちで歩かなければならないのですが、私たちはそれができるのです。公園の後は、ママが作ってくれたおいしいランチを食べましたよ。部屋には、みんなのエネルギーがあふれています。植物が発芽するのと同じですね。先日植えたひまわりの種が、一斉に発芽しました! CHESガーデンには、イチゴやタマネギもあります♡。

International Preschool CHES
Deputy head teacher
(Elementary School English Teaching License)
Masami Morimoto



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