

Spring is in full swing! (春らんまん!)

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

This last week, we:

  1. Had an Easter Egg hunt in the park
  2. Learned more about plant parts and how they grow
  3. Watched videos about growing plants
  4. Used scissors and glue to make a special plant picture
  5. Used our own hands to plant seeds
  6. Had lots of cool Show and Tell performances
  7. Practiced sight words, writing neatly and carefully, and worked on how to behave like graduates!

It was a busy week with lots of fun activities, but there is more to come.

For the following week, we will continue to nurture our plants.

We will have classroom volunteers to take turns watering the plants.

We will talk all about our own place in the environment and why it’s a good idea to help plants.

And we will of course have a lot of fun!

See you next time!



  1. 公園でEaster Egg huntをしました。
  2. 植物の部分とその成長について学びました。
  3. 植物の成長についてのビデオを見ました。
  4. ハサミとのりを使って、植物の絵を描きました。
  5. 自分たちの手で種を植えました。
  6. Show&Tellのパフォーマンス
  7. 視力検査、字を丁寧に書く練習、そして卒業生のように振舞う練習をしました。



International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean