CHESプリ・クラスWhat’s inside our body? (体のなかには、なにがあるのかな?)
Hello again!
With the end of May comes a new month, and we are excited to continue learning about many new topics.
Last week, we had many discussions about what goes on inside our body, from our muscles and blood to our lungs and heart.
We talked about our stomach too, and how what we eat affects how we live.
We looked at our own hands and wrists to see our blood veins.
Our heart is hard at work keeping everything moving, and our lungs at keeping everything fresh!
We used new flashcards to talk about different kinds of food we can find in our lunches, too.
In addition to some lovely show and tell presentations and a whole bunch of birthdays, we did plenty of studying too.
Do you remember all your sight words? It’s good to practice!
We get in as much practice whenever we can.
We studied our textbooks too, as well as completing some worksheets about the June topic.
Which is… everything we love!
See why talking about the heart is important? Because it represents our love as well! 😍
This is the perfect month to remind your family and friends why you love them and what they do that makes you happy.
Don’t forget! Everyone is sure to appreciate it.
That’s all for now.
Please enjoy the special time you have with your family and kids.
We will do our best to enjoy our time at CHES as well!
See you next time!
素敵なShow & Tellの発表やたくさんのお友だちの誕生日を祝い、私たちはたくさんの勉強もしました。
単語は全部覚えていますか? 練習するのはいいことです! 私たちはできる限り練習します。
なぜ心臓(ハート❤)の話が重要なのかわかりますか? それは、私たちの愛も表しているからです 😍
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Berridge Sean