CHESプリ・クラスOnigiri Picnic👍
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well.
We had a brief bit of excitement with the lunar eclipse this week. Did you get to see it? It was interesting to talk about.
This week has been full of all sorts of fun at CHES.
Our topic in November is of course food and nutrition, and so we had many things lined up to talk about. We started off by reviewing our bodies. We talked about them earlier in the year, but now was the perfect time to remember why we need all the different parts inside of us.
Why do we need to eat healthy food? Just remember: go, grow, and glow!
All the different parts of our body need energy to work and move and play. So we need to keep giving it fuel with the food we eat. Good food means better energy!
This week is also “Try-Yaru” week for some junior high school students, so we were happy to welcome Ms. T and Ms.Y as helpers in our class. They joined in with everything we did, including singing, reading, and going to the park!
In the theme of food, we decided to take some of the fruits and vegetables that we had and cut them apart to see what was inside. We already had a good idea of what we could see, but it was an interesting process to take them apart, and see if we were correct.
- Some foods had seeds, and some didn’t. Some seeds were big and some were small!
- Some foods were a different color on the inside and out.
- But all the fruits and vegetables we cut had skin.
The most interesting foods were:
- The avocado, because the seed was so big and different from other seeds.
- The onion, because it had rings and layers like a tree, and we could see how it would grow in the ground.
Other ones were interesting too! Take a close look at your own food at home. Of course, the teachers and staff all ate the food, so nothing was wasted. 🙂
Another activity we did was practice our tracing and coloring skills with a special design idea. We would take some stencils of foods and draw straight lines through them with our rulers. Then, we would fill in the shapes we made with colors.
Every student’s approach was unique and made for some beautiful designs. I wonder why everyone wanted to color the cake and ice cream, though…
Another bonus this week was a visit from R-Kun’s mother and father. They offered to come and show how rice was harvested in a real rice field, since R-Kun visited his grandmother’s farm.
It was a very interesting presentation, and we were able to find out how rice turned from plants into the food we can eat at home!
We learned a few things about rice harvesting. For example:
- We plant rice in spring, and harvest in the fall.
- We need to fill the rice field with water or it will not grow.
- Rice will “bow” when it is ready to harvest, because the grains get heavy.
- Wild pigs eat rice too! We need to keep them out.
- We can collect rice with a “kama” or a combine.
…and many more things!
We also got to use a mortar and pestle to grind the rice. This allowed us to remove the skin from the grains and find the white rice inside.
Where are the seeds in rice?
Well… they ARE the seeds! The part of the rice we eat is the seeds of the plant, like how we eat sesame seeds or even nuts. If you are careful with your harvest, you can keep rice growing for a long time.
We were thankful to have such an interesting guest speaker! With our special rice as a gift, we planned our next picnic: a rice ball picnic!
Today, we went to the big park together with all CHES friends to enjoy the rice together. It was a bit of a walk, but we managed to do it nicely and quickly. We held hands, and stayed on the right side of the street.
At the park, we enjoyed some play time, exercise, and running together. We played with the soccer ball and badminton racquets with Miss Y and Miss T.
After we had worked up a sweat, it was time to dig in!
How did it taste?
Even though the rice balls were only rice and no special flavor, we could still eat many. We had sausages to go with it too, and that added to the taste.
It was a wonderful lunch!
As always, make sure you have a balanced diet of many different kinds of foods. The human body needs a good mix of things to keep it working well. And of course, don’t forget to brush your teeth!
Thanks for everyone’s participation this week.
We will continue with the topic tomorrow and next week onwards.
Please look forward to it!
International Preschool CHES
English Teacher
Mr. Sean and Ms. Maris
- 食べ物には、種があるものとないものがありました。種は大きいものもあれば、小さいものもありました。
- 内側と外側で色が違う食べ物もありました。
- でも、私たちが切った果物や野菜には、すべて皮がありました。
- アボカドは種が大きくて、他の種と違うから。
- タマネギは、木のように輪があり、層があり、土の中でどのように成長するのかが分かったからです。
- 春に田植えをし、秋に収穫をします。
- 田んぼに水を入れないと育たない。
- 稲は収穫の時に粒が重くなるので「お辞儀」する。
- イノシシも稲を食べます。イノシシが田んぼに入らないようにしないといけない。
- カマやコンバインで稲を集めることができる。
そう…種なんです! 私たちが食べるお米の部分は、ゴマやナッツを食べるのと同じように、植物の種なのです。収穫に気をつければ、お米は長く育てることができるのです。
CHES(チェス)では卒園までに英語での読み・書き・聞く・話すのBasic Englishが身につきます。 園児が楽しみながら「英語で」学ぶ様子を入園説明会でお話したいと思います。ぜひご参加ください。